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​股関節唇損傷 とは  What is acetabular labral tear?


Anatomy and Function of Acetabular labrum

股関節は ボールとソケット関節と呼ばれており、骨盤側の寛骨臼には、股関節唇という強い線維軟骨が円周状に付いています。股関節唇はゴムパッキンのようにソケットの周りに構成されており、大腿骨の周りに張り付いて、硬いシーリングと作って股関節を安定させることに寄与しています。



Hip joint is so-called as ball and socket joint.  The acetabulum is ringed by strong fibrocartilage called the labrum. The labrum forms a gasket around the socket, creating a tight seal and helping to provide stability to the joint.

A ring of fibrocartilage (fibrous cartilage) that runs around the acetabulum (cup) of the hip joint and increases its depth. The head of the femur (the bone in the thigh) fits in the acetabulum. The labrum deepens this cavity and effectively increases the surface (and strength) of the hip joint.

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Cause of acetabular labral tear









How labral injuries occur;

The six most common causes of acetabular labrum tears are:

  • trauma

  • degeneration

  • capsular laxity

  • femoro-acetabular impingement.

  • Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Impingement

  • hip dysplasia (congenital abnormality)

Diagnosis to Acetabular Labral tear

症状  Symptoms



​場合によっては、クリックや 引っかかり感を感じるかもしれません。

You may experience pain, often sharp, but sometimes dull, in the groin or buttock during certain activities or certain movements of the hip joint.  Sometimes you may have pain getting into/out of a car or seated position.  You may have no pain or symptoms while at rest.  Occasionally, you may have a clicking or catching sensation. (AAOS website より)

​診断の仕方 How is it diagnosed?


病歴は、股関節痛の一般的な症状があるか調べ、身体所見では、前方インピンジメントテスト(FADIR test)やFABER testやHip dial テストを用いて、他の原因の疾患を除外します。単純レントゲン写真では、骨の異常を調べ、大腿骨寛骨臼インピンジメント( FAI)があるか否かを調べます。


 Most patients can be diagnosed with a good history, physical exam, and an MRI.  A patient’s history will generally involve complaints of hip pain as described above.  The physical exam including Anterior impingement test (FADIR test), FABER test and Hip Dial test will generally confirm the patient’s history and eliminate other causes of hip pain.  Plain x-rays may be completely normal or may demonstrate some signs of femoro-acetabular impingement (see pamphlet on FAI).


当院では、最新式の 3 Tesla MRIを用いて 股関節を撮像しております。

所要時間は 45分程度です。


"At our clinic, we use the latest 3 Tesla MRI to image the hip joint. The procedure takes about 45 minutes. Until now, it was necessary to inject dye agents into the joint for certain conditions, but in most cases, diagnosis can be made without contrast agents."



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